Leaving Our Legacy

Values are crucial for us to live by and to pass down to our children. We recently spoke with a Dance Coalition family who experienced a remarkable visit to Hawaii's main island, Maui. They shared with us their observation of this incredible culture that uses ancient values to preserve their way of life. We was impressed with their experience and could not help but to think of The DANCE COALITION as an island of it's own values. In an article written by Kean Salzor, he states "Just like in every culture exists an organizational group such as the Malama ( Hawaiian non profit organization) that dedicates preservation to the island's ecosystem, values, and culture." Ecosystem and culture nurture the beauty of this island but it is the values that express the human dignity that extends the life of Maui for many generations. The family continued to share with me the peace of mind that was met with the existence of grace, curiosity, and dedication to the way life is intended to be. From here, we couldn't help to think of our business' values as measures to preserve the kindness and grace that dance provides to us. Values give us purpose and help clarify our path in life. As we change, so do our values but what never changes is the conscious effort to determine our priorities as dance masters. As leaders in the dance community, it is disheartening to stumble across values in other establishments that stem a difference of character that we wouldn't want our own children to posses. What keeps me grounded in those situations is, like the Hawaiians, to have the "wind in our faces". Meaning the value of dance is beyond flair, fortune, and fame. It is to have a spirit of life's gifts and express these through each dancer that walks through our doors. Passing along core values touches lives and this is how The DANCE COALITION continues our legacy to build brilliant dancers. Below, you will find a few of The DANCE COALITION's Core Values:
We value finding your life's gift
We value complete giving of one's gifts We value partnership, collaboration, true friendship, women supporting women We value integrity, honesty, and accountability We value effort, focus, and hard work We value the spirt of adventure and trying new things without fear of failure
We value a healthy, clean, and safe environment for the entire family
We value the dancer for who he/she is
We value beauty in costuming drawing attention to the movement, not the body.
We value artistry in music
We value everyone's heart, emotions, and overall well-being
We hope that you find our values to align with your own. Dance is so much more than a business, a past-time, an extra-curricular. We know that every experience in a young person's life shapes who they are and we promise to shape them into incredible human beings with our best ability based upon the values above.
-Allison and Monica